Wilderness Treatment Center
Young Men Only Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment in Montana
Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment Recovery for Young Men & Male Teens ages 14-24. Wilderness Treatment Center is the first and only program to incorporate a traditional 30-day inpatient treatment with a wilderness expedition for young men.
Wilderness Treatment Center
200 Hubbart Dam Rd
Marion MT 59925-9708
Tel: 406 854-2832
Wilderness Treatment Center "WTC" is a 60 day licensed, chemical dependency treatment program for young men and male teens age 14 to 24.
Teaching the tools of Sober Living
Since it's inception in 1983, WTC has successfully treated young men/male teens from all over the world. Our treatment center's primary goal is to introduce male teens & young adult males to a new way of life free from drugs and alcohol with increased self-esteem and a feeling of empowerment. Rugged challenging activities such as backpacking, cross country skiing, rappelling, ranch work, and a wilderness expedition, offer adventure and in a disciplined setting that leads to effective change for these young men & male teens.
The First and The Finest
Wilderness Treatment Center is the first and only addiction treatment program to incorporate a traditional 30-day inpatient treatment with a wilderness expedition for young men and male teens. During the wilderness expedition, the same Licensed Addictions Counselor accompanies the young men and teens for the entire time. This combination of traditional inpatient and a wilderness approach is an extremely powerful and designed for maximum impact.
Living with a chemically dependent Teen or Young Adult Male is not easy.
Chemical use and associated addiction behaviors affect the whole family. Often, parents and siblings have lost all sense of trust and hope.
Wilderness Treatment Center for Young Men has an answer!
Our setting is the perfect place for young men who often have trouble in the confines of a more conventional setting. Referrals come from inpatient addiction treatment centers, outpatient addiction treatment centers, individual therapists, probation officers, educational consultants and families. Wilderness Treatment Center uses these resources to better assist the young men and teens.
