Dickerson Counseling
Dickerson Counseling, LLC, offers a variety of services including chemical dependency evaluation for teens and adults and an Adult Recovery Group that assists those over the age of 18 with the challenges of building a sober recovery environment within their families, workplaces, schools and communities after leaving inpatient treatment or becoming newly sober.

Dickerson Counseling
2302 US Hwy 2 E #7
Kalispell MT 59901-2866
Tel: 406 752-0530
Fax: 406 752-0534
E-mail: dickersoncounsel@centurytel.net

Chemical Dependency Evaluation & Treatment

At Dickerson Counseling, the goal is to provide quality clinical services that promote and protect the dignity of the individual while facilitating healing of each client.

Change - Serenity - Relief
These are possible to obtain and the journey begins with your call.

At Dickerson Counseling, your call is important, your call will be strictly confidential, and you will always be treated with courtesy and respect.

At Dickerson Counseling, LLC, people have the option of a variety of services for teens and adults. Services include individual, family and group counseling, with MIP classes available for teens.

Chemical dependency evaluation and treatment for adolescents and adults

* Individual counseling sessions are available for teens and adults to support ongoing sobriety, group sessions and become allow individuals to be educated about the disease of addiction. It is strongly encouraged that families participate in counseling to provide support and lasting change for the individual in treatment.

* The Adult Recovery Group that assists those over the age of 18 with the challenges of building a sober recovery environment within their families, workplaces, schools and communities after leaving inpatient treatment or becoming newly sober. A goal of this outpatient group is that people learn the skills that lead to lasting recovery from alcoholism and/or addiction within a respectful and supportive setting that is the group community.

* The Minor in Possession (MIP) Class is an educational program offered to help teens gain insight and education into their drinking and using behaviors. The goal of the MIP Class is to prevent further legal and health consequences for teens as they are faced with the difficult decisions about alcohol and drug use within the Flathead Valley.

* Intervention services are available to families that are seeking help for an individual with alcohol and/or drug issues that have not responded to previous discussions of stopping use, previous treatment attempts, or are in physical danger from the disease of addiction.
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